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Email Address is

Phone number is 608-408-9077




If purchasing a puppy please print and mail in with your deposit or you can email by copy and paste the contract with correct information to .


By emailing you acknowledge that as your legal signature.


Deposit payments can also be made by check or credit card through



Deposits are non-refundable and will be applied to the total purchase price of your puppy. Deposits ARE transferable to another litter. No monies will be refunded under any conditions. A deposit holds all sales of your puppy.


Deposits are $500.00


The remaining balance is due when your puppy is 6 weeks old.


Contract and agreement of puppy sale 


Agreement is hereby entered into, by, and between the undersigned parties (hereafter referred to as Seller) and _________________ (hereafter referred to as Buyer) for the sale of one Cockapoo (dog/bitch) described below:


Name: ________________________________

Color: ________________________________

Date Of Birth: __________________________

ACC Registration Number: ______________

Sire: ___________________ACC#________

Dam: __________________ACC#________


Hereafter the above mentioned dog/bitch would be referenced as Dog. These terms and conditions are entered into and agreed upon by both buyer and seller, and they acknowledge the moral and legal worth of this contract.


1. In consideration of the aforementioned dog, buyer agrees to pay seller ________________ payable in certified US funds.

2. All costs relative to the shipping and delivery of this dog are to be assumed by the buyer.

3. The buyer will provide quality Veterinarian care for this dog throughout its life by a licensed veterinarian.

4. This dog can be destroyed only upon the advise of a licensed Veterinarian and the seller is to be notified BEFORE this takes place. The exception would be a critical/fatal health problem, where the dog may be destroyed without notifying the seller. Documentation of such medical condition and all records must be furnished to the Seller. 

5. If at any time throughout the life of the dog it must be placed into another home the seller must be notified by first right of refusal. If the best possible decision is another home whom which the buyer has done research on, the the seller must be provided with all information about said person/family.


Seller initial___________


Buyer initial__________ 


Health Guarantee 


Seller warrants that this Cockapoo puppy is, to the best of the seller's knowledge and belief, in sound health and free from communicable diseases at the time of sale. 


Seller warrants that all immunizations necessary as of the time of sale have been given. Buyer agrees to get the remainder of the necessary vaccinations for the puppy as instructed by a Veterinarian.


Buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by a Veterinarian within three days of receiving puppy. If it is determined within that time that the puppy has a communicable disease, buyer may return puppy to seller within one week. Seller, upon receiving puppy shall replace puppy with one of equal value. If no puppy is available then the buyer will receive a puppy from the seller's next litter of four or more. If the buyer does not return the puppy within one week this provision is null and void. 


Buyer agrees that any Veterinarian expenses toward any and all problems will be the responsibility of the buyer.


Buyer initial __________


Seller Initial__________





Hereditary Defects 


Guaranteed Two Years From Date Of Birth


Hereditary defects will ONLY be guaranteed in the event that the Buyer puts the new puppy on NuVet vitamins for the duration of the guarantee. We will be notified by NuVet if you start the vitiman and it is later cancelled.  NuVet is a vitamin we feel very strongly about and believe this is the way to keep your family pet in continued health. It helps keep your dog's immune system at its best. To order NuVet call 1 800 474 7044. Use # 86382 to get a discount (when on autoship) on your NuVet Plus Plan!


This provision is ONLY null and void if discussed before puppy purchase with the Seller and the Seller provides written proof of agreement for said puppy to be on another vitiman. 


If any hereditary defect is discovered in this puppy, buyer agrees to present to the seller a statement from a licensed Veterinarian regarding the overall condition of the dog and nature, extent and effect of the hereditary defect. Such hereditary defects covered in this contract are:


ASEPTIC NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL HEAD- congenital deterioration of the femoral head associated with ischemia and avuncular necrosis of the bone. Seller reserves the right to a second opinion.


RETINAL DYSPHASIA- Characterized by lesions on the retina, which reduce the dog's vision. (Can cause blindness). Seller reserve the right to a second opinion.


HIP DYSPHASIA- defined as degeneration of the hip joints. At 24 months of age OFA certification can be obtained if found to be borderline or dysphasic, this constitutes a defect.


If pup is discovered with any of these defects by the time two years has passed then dog may be returned to the seller or kept by the buyer. This is at the discretion of the buyer. In any case the buyer will get another puppy of equal value from the seller's next litter of four or more. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL MONIES BE REFUNDED.


Hereditary defects do not include such communicable diseases as distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, para influenza, underbites, parasites or other contagious diseases.




ACC registration form will come with your puppy.


Registration is a good way to show your support for the continutation of the Cockapoo, even if you do not intend to breed.



Seller          Date



Buyer          Date 

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